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Discipline That Works

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Discipline That Works

The most effective "discipline" for your child is always positive, loving, gentle guidance. Here's why.


When your child throws his truck at the cat...

How to strengthen connection while setting limits, even in those hair-raising moments.


How Kids Learn To Do the Right Thing

Whether we know it or not, our children are learning from everything we say and do. Here are four specific ways for you to help your child develop their inner...


Empathic Limits In Action: Leaving the Playground

If you're struggling to set limits that get your child cooperating, here's your script.


The Secret of Raising a Self-Disciplined Child

Our children learn self-discipline from the limits we set -- but only if we set them with empathy.


Can you "enforce" your limits without force?

There are more effective strategies than threats and force to get cooperation. Here are six that work like a charm to enforce your limits without threats.


Peaceful Parenting Older Kids: 12 Steps To Teach a Lesson

How do I hold a boundary and teach my children that are preteens and teens? Want your child to learn a lesson? Think repair instead of punishment.


The Transition from Connecting: When Your Child Wants More More More!

Five reasons kids often struggle when you end Special Time and Solutions to transform the drama.


When love and attention just aren't enough

What's a parent to do when you've tried everything and your child still acts out?


Do Sticker Charts Work for Crimes of Passion?

Why sticker charts often fail, and what to do instead.