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Connecting with Your Child

As our children grow, how do we maintain a strong connection throughout all the developmental stages and phases, while setting the necessary limits?


10 Tips for Peaceful Classroom Teaching

Do peaceful parenting ideas work in the classroom? Yes! All kids respond to respect, connection, and feeling heard. Children follow our lead and connection.


The Transition from Connecting: When Your Child Wants More More More!

Five reasons kids often struggle when you end Special Time and Solutions to transform the drama.


When love and attention just aren't enough

What's a parent to do when you've tried everything and your child still acts out?


Everybody's got a hungry heart, especially when siblings are involved

If you want to change the behavior, help the child with the needs or emotions driving the behavior.


A Few Tweaks Can Take Your Summer from Good to Fantastic

How you can create a summer that brings you closer, minimizes fighting and whining, makes your kids happier and healthier, and eliminates begging for screens.


Activate Your Hormones to Become a Better Parent -- and a Happier Person!

The more oxytocin you have, the more loving and attentive you are to your baby. Here's how you can make more "love" hormone.


Unconditional Love In Action: Cherishing Your Child

Being cherished as a baby is the foundation for the development of empathy, compassion, and emotional generosity. Learn more about how cherishing is our secret parenting weapon.


The Continuum Concept

The Continuum Concept is the idea that to thrive, babies need the kind of experience they adapted to as humans evolved.


Helping Your Toddler with Separation Anxiety

Dreading leaving your toddler with the babysitter or at daycare and want to prepare him? Here's your 13-Step Program to smooth the process.