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Special Needs


Special Needs

Emotional regulation, connection, and coaching is even MORE important for kids with special needs, to help them trust, connect and self-regulate.


10 Year Old is Angry at Homeschooling: Learning Disability?

Seven possibilities for why a 10 year old is so angry with his homeschooling (including the possibility of a learning disability).


3 Year Old Demanding, Tantrums, Rages

3 year old's issues may be about temperament, exacerbated by attachment issues.


3 year old unfairly compared to autistic cousin

In-laws are unfairly and openly comparing 3 year old to very bright autistic cousin - how to make grandparents realize how damaging these comparisons can be.


3 Year Old Won't Talk in School. Selective Mutism?

Not talking to peers may be getting in the way of child's normal development. Here are some interventions so that this behavior doesn't become more of an issue.


Hospital, Medical PTSD after Illness, Trauma

Toddler needs help processing his upsetting feelings so he can let them go and they won't stay in his body and drive his behavior with anxiety and phobias.


How to Prepare Kids for Lab Work, Medical Procedures?

The best way to prepare kids is with a play doctor kit and a lot of laughter! Here's 12 tips for diminishing anxiety and taking the sting out of medical...


IEP for 7 year old with Tourettes, ADHD,OCD and Anxiety Disorder

Where to start with an IEP for a 7 year old with multiple diagnoses. It's best when parents see themselves as full-fledged members of the IEP team.


Is it normal for a 2 year old not to be talking yet?

Some questions to ask when considering whether a speech delay in a two year old could be related to autism.


Is preschooler's odd behavior a sign of OCD?

It's much too early to determine if child has OCD. And even if he has that tendency, it's probable he can learn to manage his anxiety with the parent's help.