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Children learn to coach themselves through anxiety-producing situations by the way you coach them, gaining confidence by facing fears and coming through them.


The Best Gift You Can Give Your Child

The greatest gift you can give your child is your own healing and well-being.


If you think that you or your child is coming up short, don't miss this.

When we love and accept ourselves, we're more loving and forgiving with everyone else. And when we learn to accept our kids, precisely as they are, they blossom!


What did you learn before you were eight?

Most of us learned some things that no child should carry for the rest of his or her life as motivating beliefs.


What If Your Child Crosses the Line?

The best way to teach your child a lesson when his behavior goes over the line.


Healing Yourself So You Can Be a More Peaceful Parent

The truth is that virtually all of us were wounded as children, and if we don't heal those wounds, they prevent us from parenting our children optimally.


Helping Your Toddler with Separation Anxiety

Dreading leaving your toddler with the babysitter or at daycare and want to prepare him? Here's your 13-Step Program to smooth the process.


Managing Your Own Separation Anxiety

A 12-step program for parents to develop goodbye rituals, honor your feelings, and help your child make a smooth adjustment to school.


Preparing Your Child for the New School Year

With a little bit of preparation and forethought you can enjoy the last weeks of summer and make those first weeks of school easier for everyone in your family.


Staying Close to Your Tween Daughter

If you can adjust your parenting to her new needs, the tween years are the perfect time to strengthen your relationship with your preteen daughter.