Contact Dr. Laura

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Dr. Laura receives hundreds of parenting questions every day and is unable to respond directly to questions submitted to her. Please do not write to Dr. Laura. Your letter will not be answered, or even seen.

However, Dr. Laura's coaching newsletters are designed to give you support on an ongoing basis. You can choose between weekly or three times a week and they're completely free. Please click here to subscribe. (There's an unsubscribe link in every email.)

There are also hundreds of articles on this website addressing all areas of parenting. Please use the site wide search page to find articles that relate to your issue.

For more comprehensive answers, please get your hands on Dr. Laura's book, Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting.  If your question relates to sibling issues, you'll want her book Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How To Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends For Life. If you check out the Amazon reviews, you'll see that most readers have found Dr. Laura's books life-changing. We hope that you will, too.

Thank you! Claim your free ebook by sending an email to Dr. Laura's assistant using this form.

Dr. Laura has a firm policy that Aha! Parenting reflects her voice only. She does not use guest posts. Please do not send a request.

Great! Dr. Laura trained as a clinical psychologist. However, that is certainly not a prerequisite to supporting parents. As you can understand, she can't really offer career advice on whether that path is the right one for you.

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