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Signed Copy - Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids

$15.00 USD

Would you like a personalized copy of Dr. Laura Markham's book, Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How To Stop Yelling and Start Connecting? If you buy the book here on the Aha! Parenting website, she'll inscribe her book to you, with her autograph and blessing. Makes a great gift, too!

Signed Copy - Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook

$24.99 USD

Would you like a personalized copy of Dr. Laura Markham's book, The Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook? This is the place to buy a copy that's inscribed to you, with her autograph and blessing. (For unsigned books, click here.)

Signed Copy - Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings

$16.00 USD

Would you like a personalized copy of Dr. Laura Markham's book, Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How To Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life? If you buy the book here on the Aha! Parenting website, she'll inscribe her book to you, with her autograph and blessing. Makes a great gift, too!

Healing Your Ability To Love Unconditionally Workbook

$19.99 USD

We all know that children require unconditional love to thrive. But how many of us feel capable of giving it?

Loving our children always starts with loving ourselves. It takes work, but the good news is that as our hearts get bigger, we’re not just better parents. We’re happier people. 

Healing your ability to love takes daily attention and commitment, but it's quite do-able. This workbook will show you how.

Communication 101 Workbook

$5.99 USD

How to be the parent your child comes to. 100 Conversation starters for terrific family discussions, Keeping Any Conversation Safe When the Stakes Are High, Foolproof Strategies to Get Your Child to Talk, & More! 

The Secret of the Full Cup Workbook

$5.99 USD

The secret work of adulthood is that we are all still growing up, and parenting forces us to learn to parent ourselves as well as our children. Use this step by step Workbook with guided prompts to get inspired to take better care of yourself. 10 Stress Busting Strategies for Parents, 5 Ways to Nurture Yourself While Nurturing Your Child, How to Transform What's Draining You, & more! 

One Minute a Day to Inspired Parenting eBook

$4.99 USD

This 148 page E-book of Daily Inspirations is guaranteed to make you a more inspired parent – and a happier person.  

Help Your Child WANT to Behave Workbook

$4.99 USD

Would you like to try a more gentle form of discipline but you aren't sure how? Parents are often disbelieving when they hear that there are families who never spank, use timeouts, or even yell -- and their kids are well-behaved! Here's how you can transition to become one of those families.

Happier Holidays Planner Workbook

$12.99 USD

This 107 page workbook helps you create your own plan for more meaning, more joy, and more presence this holiday season. 

Help Your Child (and Yourself!) Develop a Healthy Relationship with Screens (Audio)

$19.99 USD

In this jam-packed audio, you'll learn about the neurological impact of screens on the human nervous system, the latest research on the relationship between various kinds of screen usage and mental health, and some effective strategies and tools to manage your own relationship with screens and to navigate screens more peacefully with your child.

Beyond Discipline: 10 Secrets of Setting Effective Limits (Audio)

$19.99 USD

Everything you need to know to set limits that guide your children but keep them connected and cooperative.

Setting Limits Solutions -- Beyond Discipline Part 2 (Audio)

$19.99 USD

Imagine for a moment that when you ask your child to do something, they do it. When you ask them to stop doing something, they stop. They might protest a bit, or try to test your limit. But you're able to stay patient and connected. You keep your sense of humor and hold your limit. And your child does what you ask, without a power struggle. Everyone stays in a good mood. Over and over again, all day long!

Impossible? Actually, this is something you can do. Really! Even if you have a challenging child, there are specific actions you can take to can make this your reality more and more often.

Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child (Audio)

$10.99 USD

Have a strong-willed child? You're lucky! Strong willed children can be a challenge when they’re young, but if sensitively parented, they become terrific teens & young adults. Self-motivated and inner-directed, they're almost impervious to peer pressure. 

Why Praise Sabotages Your Child (Audio)

$10.99 USD

Why "You're so smart!" sabotages your child's academic progress...Why Praise hurts your child -- and what to say instead...How to give your child feedback that helps her take responsibility for herself... How to give feedback without criticizing. 

I've Got Your Back (Audio)

$10.99 USD

Creating a strong marriage can be tough enough. Parenting together adds a whole new layer of challenges. In this powerful teleseminar, Dr. Laura shows you how to be great parenting partners. 

How to Stop Yelling at Your Child - Part 2 (Audio)

$10.99 USD

By Popular Demand! Part 2 of How to Stop Yelling: Managing Your Own Emotions

How to Stop Yelling at Your Child - Part 1 (Audio)

$10.99 USD

It isn't easy to stop yelling. You can desperately want to, and still find yourself hurting your child and driving him away. But if you know that you want to stop yelling, I assure you that it's completely possible -- no matter how ingrained it is.

Peaceful Parent Happy Kids Online Course


Do you want to feel more peace and joy in your parenting? This self-paced 12-week online program gives you the tools and inspiration you need, to become the parent you want to be. Make 2023 the year of less drama and more love for your family.

Help Your Child Learn To Manage Anger (Mini-Course)

$69.00 USD

Yes, you CAN help your child stop tantrumming, shouting and hitting. You CAN help them learn the skills to express their upsets and needs appropriately. You CAN create a more peaceful home!  This Self-Paced Parenting Mini-Course gives you:

1. Three audios with transcripts

2. Two fun printables

3. Two worksheets 

that guide you through the steps to support your child to learn to manage anger. (Full description at the "Learn More" link.) While this mini-course will be helpful to parents of any age child because it will help them better understand and respond to their child's anger, it is primarily geared for parents of kids ages four through twelve.

Helping Your Child With Anxiety (Mini-Course)

$49.00 USD

This Self-Paced Parenting Mini-Course gives you:

1. Two audios with transcripts

2. Three fun, informative printables 

that guide you through the steps to teach your child (and yourself!) how to manage anxiety.

Happily Ever After: Conscious Co-Parenting (Mini-Course)

$79.00 USD

You can count on disagreements when you raise a child with another person! This Self-Paced 5 hour Mini-Course gives you the secrets to combine a rewarding romantic relationship with raising terrific kids, including how to handle conflict so it brings you closer, and staying connected to your partner when the baby is crying and the kids are screaming. 

Peaceful Parenting: How to Stop Punishing, Start Connecting & Raise a High EQ Child (Mini-Course)

$69.00 USD

This Self-Paced Audio Parenting Course (4.5 hours) gives you three downloadable audio modules that will transform your family, beginning with you. Less drama, more love. Guaranteed!